"Are You Really Sure Of
Your Eternal Salvation?"
Welcome to studying the Bible on the internet.
You are to be commended for your interest in studying God’s word, the Bible. This course pertains to a very important
subject concerning our Eternal Salvation. What subject could be more important? It is my hope that the scripture
references pointed out in this study will be of benefit to your faith in your striving to go to Heaven.
There is so much confusion in
the world pertaining to religious beliefs which can be traced to the ignorance of God's word. There are more than 600
different denominational churches all with different doctrines, beliefs, and teachings. Confronted by so many different
conflicting doctrines of religion, people are so confused; they don’t know what to believe. Any person who is
interested in his soul’s salvation can not afford to follow any of the many false doctrines that are being taught, but
will have a genuine interest to know the truth which is found only in the Bible. Our Lord Jesus Christ, who is our Savior,
has already made provision for the forgiveness of our sins by His suffering and death on the cross. On Judgment Day
we will not have to be lost in the eternal punishment of torment along with Satan, the Devil. In order to be saved we
must obey the gospel. But what is the gospel? What must we do in order to be saved? In this study we will
find out what the Bible says we must do so we can inherit God’s gift of eternal life in Heaven.
Unless otherwise noted all scripture quotations are
from the New King James Version of the Bible, Copyright © 1992 by Thomas Nelson Inc. All scripture references are in
bold underlined print. We need to open our minds and hearts to the scriptures. In this course we have tried to point
you to what God has said in His word, the Bible. As you read the scripture references, think seriously of what God is
actually saying to you.
We have tried not to be offensive, but we also do
not want to be "wishy-washy" about what God has said and to "sugar coat" it. Please do not take anything in the wrong
way, because we mean no harm. We deeply care. As God's word says in 1 Peter 3:15 "But sanctify the Lord God
in your hearts: and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear".
This we have tried to do, because our eternal salvation is a very serious matter.
This course "Are You Really Sure
Of Your Eternal Salvation" is divided into twenty (20) lessons and a summary. After each lesson you are asked to answer
several multiple choice and true-false questions concerning what you have just studied. The correct answer is found
in the scripture reference that is within that lesson. Please double check your answers and email your answers to each
question to the link below. After you complete all the lessons in this course a certificate of completion will be sent
to you. It is my hope and prayer that this course will help you in some way to
go to Heaven.