Christians At Large Ministry

Mission Statement
Order of the Risen Savior
CALM Store
Message Board
The Lamp Post
Bible Studies
Doctrinal Statement
Did You Know
Pastor Mike's Corner
From God's Word
Prayer Requests
Wedding Ministry
Pastor Mike's Messages

The mission of Christians At Large Ministry (CALM) is fourfold, with each element being of equal importance to the other.  Our mission is evangelization, ministering, equipping and supporting.

1.  Evangelization: CALM is committed to evangelization and that it is our duty as Christians to proclaim the Word of God and reach those who do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ.
2.  Ministering: CALM is commited to ministering to all Christians regardless of denomination or theological differences through teaching, counseling and prayer.
3.  Equipping: CALM is committed to serving and equipping all Christians through home Bible studies, and small group ministries.
4.  Supporting:  CALM is dedicated to assisting churches, regardless of denomination or theological differences.  CALM can provide guest or interim pastoral services.